Tuesday 17 February 2015

Unisex Fashion Tip and Tricks to Look Taller

There are some things about nature we simply can't change and one of such things is height. As a child i have always wanted to be a model but my height of 5'1 discouraged me so badly that i dumped my ambition and moved unto something else, lol. Even Science in all its glory, is yet to find a way to make averagely tall people add few inches to their height. So as we wait for a miracle, (that's if it will happen in this lifetime), here are some ways you can dress up to look taller.

1.Wear vertical lines and avoid horizontal
prints. Do you know that Vertical lines draw the eye up and down? This in turn causes the eye to take in more height than width so it makes you appear taller. Horizontal lines, on the other hand, draw the eye side to side, causing the eye to take in more width and less height. So let your clothes have mostly vertical lines and watch people stop referring to you as that Short Man or Short Woman.

2. Match your tones or go for a monochromatic
look. Avoid wearing different colors because this divides your body into separate segments but wearing the same color, or tones that are within the same range, creates one solid line for an observer’s eye to pick up. Having your body divided into fewer segments creates the illusion of height and vice versa.

3. Stick with solid colors and small patterns.
  When you wear clothes with large patterns, they tend to overwhelm and dwarf you especially if are short so its best to stick to solid colors and small patterns because this creates visual interest without reducing your height.

4. Avoid baggy clothes.
Now here is the thing, when you wear
loose or oversized clothing, you end up
looking “lost” inside your clothes. This is because baggy clothes make you seem wider and shorter than you actually are.

Images by Pinterest

How tall are you? Please share!

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