Wednesday 25 February 2015

Style Tip- How to Determine Your Face Shape

Determining your face shape is very important as it helps you select the best accessory, hair and clothing styles. Your facial shape determines a set of guidelines that will help you feel confident and look your best!

Knowing Your Face Shape Guides You to Your Best:
  • Hairstyles and haircuts
  • Sunglasses and eyewear
  • Jewelry such as earrings and necklaces
  • Necklines and print tops
  • Hats
  • Yes and even makeup techniques
Your facial shape is a super-essential aspect of looking your best because it helps you know what to look for when going shopping. You'll know what pieces accentuate your best features and how to downplay the parts you're self conscious about.

How to Determine Your Face Shape
When determining your facial shape we will need to take an objective look of your front profile.
You'll need:
  • A big mirror. Big enough to see your whole face and the area from your chest up at least 2-3 feet away from the mirror
  • Hair clips to pull hair from your face and expose your ears
  • A top that shows the full length of your neck and chest. I think it's best to do this with a low cut top or even topless. In this way, you’ll avoid fake lines that can alter your face shape (eg. Scoop necks tend to soften and make a face rounder)
  • Day light. Fake light can emphasize areas of your face and can create shadows that make your facial features smaller
Now look at your face in the mirror and measure yourself:
1. How wide is the widest point of my forehead
compared to my jawline?
2. How prominent are my cheekbones compared to my
jawline and forehead?
3. Is the widest point of my jawline wider than my
4. How long is my face?
With the answers to these questions you'll be able to
determine the shape of your face (see face shape
overview below). A friend or relative can also be the judge.

Oval Face
The length of your face equals one half the width. 
Considered ideal-because its neither to wide or long

Oblong shape
Looks like oval but has more length and less width. 
You may appear gaunt. However an oblong face can apply to
 all other face shape except round.

Round face
Your face shape is almost as wide as it is long. 
similar to oval but shorter, often with a rounded jawline. 
You probably look younger than your age.

Square face shape
Your jawline and hairline are same length.
 Your face appears strong and angular

Heart face shape
Your widest at your cheeckbones with a narrow
 forehead and jawline of almost equal width

Diamond face face

You are wider at the temples and forehead and narrower at the chin. 
Killer check bones usually come with your face shape.

Triangular face shape
Your jawline is fuller/wider with a narrow forehead. 
You have the same issue as rounds (young look)

So whats your facial shape? 

Tips by chic fashionista

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