Monday 9 February 2015

Fashion Tips and Tricks You Need to Know

As a fashionista, you need to know one or two fashion tips and tricks to live a stylish life. So I've culled some tips from the best lifestyle experts that will very much be of advantage to you. Read on.

1. Use white wine to remove red wine

2. Wash new jeans twice before taking
them to the tailor. Why? Because jeans will
always shrink in length when washed.

3. If you get an oil on your favorite
handbag, coat the mark with baby powder
and let it stand overnight. By morning, the
stain should be gone. If a bit still remains,
repeat the process until the stain is
completely gone.

4. The best at-home method to keep
diamonds sparkling: liquid dishwasher
detergent and an old toothbrush.

5. The secret to well-fitting everyday
clothes is Lycra. The formulas to look for:
95% cotton/5% Lycra spandex for T-shirts,
and at least 2% Lycra for jeans to hold
their shape. (Very useful tip)

6. “Always organize your clothes going
light to dark from left to right in your
closet. Your eye will follow the color and
thus help you stay organized.” — Melanie
Charlton Fascitelli, Founder, Clos-ette and
Clos-ette Too.

7. “If you don’t have time to try on jeans
in the store, try the Neck Method: You can
determine your size by placing the
waistline of the jeans around the diameter
of your neck. If the waistline of the pant
comfortably meets at back of your neck,
then the jeans will fit.” — Sarah Ahmed,
Creative Director, DL1961 Premium Denim

8. While fake designer bags are a huge
don’t , fake diamond studs are a huge do .
Faux stones are hard to spot to the
untrained eye.

9. Dressy occasions aren’t the time to play
with trends, so know your silhouette and
stick to it to always look your best. Perfect
example: Sofia Vergara knows she looks
good in mermaid dresses, and always
chooses variations of the shape on red

10. “Never put a garment on immediately
after ironing, as this can actually cause
new wrinkles to form. Instead, let it sit for
five minutes to set the press.” — Althea
Harper, Designer and Rowenta Brand

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