Wednesday 21 January 2015

Fashion Crimes You Should Never Commit

1. Wearing socks with flip flops or sandals: 
Except you are in your room and its cold, wearing socks with flip flop or sandals is the ultimate Fashion crime and a no no.

2. Thongs peeping out or exposed boxer shorts: 
This is not classy, it is inexcusable and definitely not sexy. Please avoid it at all costs. The same goes for an over exposed cleavage. Its inappropriate and people could stare at you with disgust.

3. A size too small: 
Squeezing into clothes that once fit you or that you hope to one day fit into just screams one thing – “Look at my excess fat". It is not cool at all.

4. Designer Label Junkie: 
Wearing head-to-toe logo- emblazoned designer clothing only tells the world
that You have no fashion style whatsoever. Also, please note that trying to emulate the style of someone else hardly ever ends well.  You can create your own style to suit your shape and taste, that’s how your idol, hero or icon got their signature style you love so much.

5. White on white
Do not wear white underwear under white clothes, especially under an all-white ensemble. This is because white underwear clearly shows through your white outfit. Wear black or skin coloured underwear instead.

6. Cap worn back to front
Unless you’ve been invited to a dress up party and this is your intended costume, the post-90s back-to-front cap trend will always be a no-no!

7. Visibly dirty white socks: Need I say more? Yuck!

8. Un-ironed shirt:
 Most of us are guilty of not always ironing our freshly washed laundry, but it is inexcusable not to iron your work shirt or clothes.
Don’t sink your career because of your poor fashion choices. Dress smartlyy at all times making sure your office attire is always clean and well ironed. Smart
dressing does a professional man/ woman make.

If this was helpful, please leave a comment in the comment box below.


  1. Solid content on thia blog. Just discovered the blog and will surely be visiting.

  2. Nice write up especially on designer junkie. It is over fashion to wear designer labels head to toe. Such people should be fined for that kind of dressing.
