Saturday 17 January 2015

Daily Beauty Tips- Secrets to a Fresher Face this Harmattan

Do you feel like your face needs a pick-me-up? The harmattan season can take a toll on your skin and leave your face feeling dry and dull. The good news is, there are countless ways to perk up your skin and give your face that natural glow it’s been missing for months. From makeup tips and tricks to skincare do’s and don’ts, these are the easiest and most effective ways to a fresher face. Follow these steps to regain that radiant glow…

1. Brighten Your Eyes with Shimmery Shadow
Choosing a light, shimmery shadow for your eyes will perk them up and make
you look more awake. To really make them pop, add a dab of white shimmer to
the inner corners of both eyes towards the nose, stopping just before the bridge
of your nose. This 30-second addition to your makeup routine will work wonders on your overall glow. By adding a shimmery shadow that reflects the light, you’re eyes will appear bigger, brighter, and more vibrant. This simple dab of eye shadow in the inner corner is a great trick when you didn’t get adequate sleep the night before, but want to look well rested.

2. Blush Your Way Back to Beautiful
Sweeping on a layer of light pink or peach blush will give your cheeks a boost
of color and make you look fresher instantly. I suggest light pink or peach because they are both natural shades that will add a bit of pick-me-up
to your cheeks. You can apply blush to the apples of your cheeks in a
downward motion.The key is not putting on too much. One light layer of a pale pink or peach will do the trick. Brush the blush from the apples of your cheeks and be sure to blend it will all the way back along your cheekbone to the side of your face for a more natural look.

3. Go Light on the Foundation
A natural look is important when it comes to achieving a fresh face. The more
makeup you cake on, the drier and pastier your skin will look. The best way to
get a natural glow while still providing your face with the makeup coverage it
needs is by mixing your foundation with a dab of moisturizer. You want to
blend foundation well, especially around the outside of your cheeks and chin.
A light coat of liquid foundation is all you need (in addition to a light sweep of
blush). Don’t add powder overtop of your foundation as powder is known to
sink into the fine lines on your face and make them much more noticeable.

4. Tame Your Brows
Keeping your eyebrows sleek and clean can give you an instant eye lift. Make
sure there are no loose hairs flying below your brow line as these tend to create
noticeable shadows. Fill in any white spots on your brows with a matching
shadow to give them a more defined look. Rub a dollop of moisturizer (or hair gel) over your brows to keep them in place throughout the day. There are also specific brow gel lotions that you can purchase at the beauty supply store to keep stray hairs in place.

6. Lighten Your Lips
Lighten up your lips and give them a healthy new look by adding a layer of light
pink (or nude) lip gloss. Don’t use lipstick as it tends to make lips look dried
out and pasty. Look for a moisturizing lip gloss, which means that the actual
product has moisturizing abilities so that your lips won’t become parched and
dry out. There is nothing that says tired more than flaky, dry lips. For a fresh faced look, you want a lip gloss with tons of moisturizer and a very subtle hint of color. Look for a color that suits your natural lip color. For instance, a kissable pink, peach, apricot, or blush color will add a bit of zip to your pout without looking too fake and made up.

Photo Credit: Google Image

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