Monday 13 April 2015


Tech neck is a serious concern. Take a look
around your work space/coffee shop/subway
car and note how many people are staring
down at their smart phones, head tilted at a
45 degree angle. They could all be victims of
a syndrome labeled tech neck.

So what is tech neck? "Laxity of the neck
skin—or tech neck—is actually a true
phenomenon that can occur from persistent
folding of the skin from repetitive motion—
like looking down at your phone or laptop
computer," explains Dendy E. Engelman,
MD, Director of Dermatologic Surgery and
Laser Medicine at the Metropolitan
Hospital. "The thin skin of the neck is very
prone to wrinkling because the dermis—the
layer that contains collagen—is thin.
Because of the constitution of the skin in
this area, it is at higher risk for showing age
than other areas of the head and neck."

Unfortunately, apart from laser surgery or
targeted creams, the only way to avoid tech
neck is prevention. "One way to prevent it
is to place your laptop or cell phone in a
way that allows for your neck to be in a
neutral position," says Dr. Engelman. "Try
to bring your smart phone up towards your
face instead of moving your neck down to
look at it. There aren't great exercises to
prevent the wrinkling in this area because
these often stretch the skin more. So, the
focus should be on limiting the range of

Source- Bazaar

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